good post! #1 is true, #2 feels true but isn't quite true (bad advice reflects directly on the giver and word spreads — longtail type of brand-building stuffs, etc.), #3 and beyond... eh...

... #8 is probably the most important; it squares everything, at least for me.

i saw your tweet (https://twitter.com/hollyhliu/status/1415329310940884992) but didn't respond cause i'm not using twitter right now per our strategy... but, appreciate you asking me for an opinion.

... and there were honestly too many examples to list. i generally agree with this, re: "best" advice:


.. but the next level is customizing each interaction per the founder. but, i have yet to have anyone invest in my projects that took that level of bespoke care.

... so, i'm doing it with my small portfolio of angels. i customize my behavior based on the relationship. this is not an easy strategy or one that can "scale" quickly, but, i'm building those systems as i learn how to do it.

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